So the front screen door was painted silver by a previous owner. I cannot imagine why you would paint a aluminum door silver?!? I started with the usual wood stripper which took most of the paint off and then moved onto the mixture of lacquer thinner and denatured alcohol. It all seemed to come off with a little elbow grease. I purchased new aluminum screen from Menards with new spline. The old stuff was totally trashed, it even smelled as bad as the camper!
Cutting and replacing the screen was fairly easy with just a little blood shed from the sharp ends...yes I know I should wear gloves but I'm a man and chicks dig cuts, oh wait, maybe that's scars.
I used my medium and fine sanding and stripping wheels on the door and it seemed to shine it up a little but not to my satisfaction. I will do the final polish on it when I get to the trailer polishing phase.
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