I pulled the carpet and found the floor is a little worse then I suspected. There are a few spots that you could literally fall through. The floor pan underneath is all there so this should help with the condition of the frame.
Since it was raining when she arrived it gave me a chance to discover any visible leaks. The roof vent was leaking fairly good. as well as one of the windows toward the front door. Th
ere is another hole in the wood behind the vent where it appears a branch fell on her and caused a crack in the roof. This one is leaking a little.

I forgot my extension cord to hook her up to the electric so I decided to go to town and buy a new one. Dino decided to stay back and work on the Spartan interior a bit.
I arrived back with a big yellow extension cord and Dino had tore out all the press board
paneling that someone had paneled the living room with. I guess painting it was not enough so they decided to add another layer of beauty! 

Well the worse leak appears to be one by the window near the front door. The old birch is rotted away and someone used a large cutting wheel as a makeshift floor patch. I can see between the inner window and outer
windows water collecting and leaking down the wall. Where o where is it coming from? Well that will be for a later date, I'm exhausted, dirty and I smell like this 54 year old girl.

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